Heyyy, currently this page/html (i dont know what it's called, and i am a starter! so i apologize if there is any misunderstanding!) is still currently in progress...

But I created this html to share my comic! It's called " Warmt in Your Cold Hands "

The story is about a girl trying to survive in a apocalypse of course.. ( typical zombie apocalypse story yeah? it's no fun telling it all here duh! )

If you have any concerns, you can contact me in discord! (radishingly_obliterated) my email is currently tight in space so i apologize if you cannot contact me there!

Thank you for your understanding!


I've made changes in the story and it's now not much of a zombie apocalypse, perhaps not a zombie apocalypse anymore and shouldn't be even have the zombie apocalypse tag anymore..

I've updated my username in discord as well its now ponpundin and you can contact me there, same username in twitter and instagram.. perhaps in any other platforms too but I'm more active in the platform I mentioned.

might as well add a bit of sneak peek and info from WIYCH (Warmt in Your Cold Hands)sooner but i'll leave one since i think i've kept some of you all waitin so..

The story starts with two sisters named Daine (name might change in the future due to possible misunderstanding, might be mistakenly represent as someone i've personally met though it's a mere coincidence that i've met that person before i named this character.) and Dominique. They both live in a apartment with their mother and Daine has a friend named Lance. The sisters suddenly got into a cult due to sudden turn of events (cant spill it all out that easily though, had to save all of it for the comic and let yall take a look for yalls self since yeah :P) and Dominique met a boy in a snowy night named Avondre.

that's all i can tell yall for tonight or day, whatever time is it there.. And heads up!! i'll give yall a peek of the characters next update and i'm planning to work on WIYCH in my school break.

Thank you all for listening! especially for those who are waiting! Thank you thank you!!